Interview with Hrag

Joelle-Where do you live and what do you do for fun/work/learning?

Hrag-Brooklyn, and I love to listen to podcasts, go on walks, read, the usual stuff, but I particularly love discovering new local restaurants. Not the fancy ones but the small family-run joints.

Joelle-The original Facebook Portrait project started in the latter months of 2008. One of the things that strikes me is the difference between how optimistic people were about the ability to use it as a force for good ten years ago. I think that optimism is still felt in some areas, much less so in others. Overall, how do you feel about your use of social media now compared to ten years ago? Do you still feel optimistic about using social media (if you ever did to begin with)?

Hrag-It’s a necessary evil. Well, in 2010, I curated a show about social media art and by the end of the monthlong exhibition, I sensed that the optimism we all mostly felt was not going to sustain itself. Artists like Nate Hill were using it to allow people to invite him to their home so he could perform there and it was clear that people’s motivations were often really strange and dark. At the time, I decided to wait a decade before publishing the show catalogue, and boy am I glad I did. Social media has turned from a techno-utopian possibility, to a surveillance tool that could destroy your life.

The amount of death and other violent threats I receive via social media far outweighs those I receive any other way. That should tell you a lot, but I also need it for work, to network, to stay in touch with people, including family. If I didn’t have Facebook, I would be less in contact with my family in Syria, as Facebook was often the only reliable way to connect with them during the war.

Joelle-I’ve often found the way people interact with strangers on certain social media platforms—how they communicate, the words they choose—can both inspire and degrade. What sort of boundaries do you keep i.e. what you are willing to post, what won’t you post, or comment on, for that matter?

Hrag-I have rules. One is I don’t post photos at home, because I need a no-go zone. A safe space where I can sit around and be myself and people have no access to that. Other boundaries are, don’t brew, just deal with it. It’s hard not to brew based on a comment on social media. Also, a recent thing I’ve started doing that I don’t regret is blocking people. Veken, my husband, encouraged me to do that and he’s right. No one has a right to your time, thoughts, or energy. If they don’t respect you, then sorry, you can stay abreast of my activities another way. I’m not a public servant and I don’t work for them. Also, not everyone is a good faith actor. Some people are just trolls and perform on social media, and I have no time for that.

Joelle-Have you connected, and established relationships, with people you’ve met on social media (not via dating sites) you wouldn’t have otherwise? How has that impacted your life – good or ill?

Hrag-Yes, definitely, and 90% of the time it’s been wonderful. There isn’t a single social network I haven’t used to find people. I think it’s a great insight, but that was more true before than today.

Joelle-One person I spoke to recently characterized herself as a “deactivator” – meaning that in her approach to social media overwhelm she would go inactive on her accounts when she needed to step away and regain a sense of self, privacy, control… Heuristically, this makes sense.  Deleting your account is a simple shortcut to solving the problem of overwhelm. I’ve done it, though I never feel completely distanced. Given how much it’s embedded in our culture, even if you aren’t an avid user, it’s become an unavoidable aspect of modern life. Have you found yourself in a situation where you needed to deactivate? Was it effective in achieving what you needed for yourself?

Hrag-Not really, since I don’t see it as something separate from me. I don’t put on airs or pretend I’m someone I’m not on social media, so for me it’s like breathing. But that also means being able to say, ‘No, not right now.’ I may want to be present with my husband and not care about social media. That probably sounds easier than it is, as there have been many times my husband will yell at me for being distracted on social media.

Joelle-Do you think the success of these platforms are generation sensitive in that, we are at peak use, or were at peak use, and interest will eventually taper off, or, is this our generations’ Edison light bulb? Where do you see it going?

Hrag-It’s a tool, like the telephone, and we’ll use it in different ways. I think the future of social media will be more discrete networks that connect us with other people that share our interests. I think the bigger issue is we should regulate it, since it’s clearly not working without regulation. I don’t think a private company that serves more users than any one country should be able to write up rules of conduct that can’t be scrutinized or openly criticized. They are allowed to do far too much under the radar, and that has to change. I think they’ve peaked, but then again, soon the internet will be another space we inhabit and we won’t be able to differentiate between internet and non-internet, which is partly already true. The number of young people I meet who are obsessed with likes, follower counts, and other things always amazes me. Recently, someone was in awe that I had tens of thousands of Twitter followers, and I think that’s funny. Would I be upset if I didn’t? No, but clearly it influences the way people look at me and I have to be conscious of that.

Joelle-Most people agree that it’s a pretty great thing to have so much information available through the internet and I think people like being able to share information so easily through social media platforms. That hasn’t changed. But, the other side of that is that a lot of the information we see is at best biased and at worst, completely fabricated. Do you feel like you are able to spot or decipher truth from fabricated or distorted truths? How so?

Hrag-Yes, generally, but it’s becoming harder. We just don’t have time to parse every item online, and the level of deception is quite impressive. I don’t see that part ending well.

Joelle-If you could change anything about social media, what would it be?

Hrag-I think we need to teach social media and online literacy in all schools. It’s amazing to me that people can’t differentiate between a well-researched article and an opinion. Also, it’s sad that people continue to say, “I saw it on Facebook,” or “I saw it on Twitter,” as if that’s a source — how about saying who posted it? Of course, the platforms are designed to flatten that difference, and it all looks the same. I hate that, and that has to change if we’re going to continue to have fruitful conversations online.

Joelle-Bonus question: music, book or movie. Pick one and list your favorite.

Hrag-I’m a sucker for Berlioz’s Symphonie Fantastique. I am normally an electronic and house music fan, but if I need to center myself quickly, I go to Berlioz.

Interview with Jeanne

Oil on Canvas

Joelle: Where do you live and what do you do for fun/work/learning?

Jeanne: I live in Los Angeles and I work in film. I am a director but I also write, produce, and occasionally perform. I like to travel and read and since I live in California, I get in a decent amount of physical activity. I enjoy hiking, swimming, yoga, etc.

Joelle: Have you connected, and established relationships, with people you’ve met on social media (not via dating sites) you wouldn’t have otherwise? How has that impacted your life – good or ill?

Jeanne: Indeed, I have, and I think the best part of social media is its ability to connect people. I like to follow other filmmakers that I admire – directors and cinematographers and such – and occasionally this has led to conversations or friendships in real life.

But on the other hand, the ability to connect people is also the worst part of social media. I’m boring as hell but I have a surprising number of Instagram stalkers. I tried to purge them by going on a blocking spree and new ones showed up in triplicate. But hey, if my stalkers really enjoy pictures of my friends and my ice creams and the cool dogs I meet, there’s not much I can do – so I decided to just let it be.”

Joelle: If you could change anything about social media, what would it be?

I would ban Trump from Twitter.

Joelle: Music, book or movie. Pick one and list your favorite.

Jeanne: My favorite movie of all time is The Sound of Music. I watched the behind-the-scenes bonus DVD when I was young and it made me want to make films. Everything is so expertly crafted and Julie Andrews is a queen.

Interview with Brian

Joelle: Thank you for participating in Inside The Looking Glass! Please tell us where you live and what you like to do for fun/work/learning?

Brian: I live in the New York area and cover breaking news for CNN – elections, demonstrations, extreme weather, and those stories that grip the public consciousness for a few hours or a few days. My fun times are family time, and my wife and two kiddos love being outside hiking, biking, camping, grilling. I play ice hockey in a men’s league, obsess over Phish, collect and consume craft IPAs. I voraciously read non-fiction. Rotating in the bag this month is Anthony Bourdain’s Kitchen Confidential, Michael Isikoff’s Russian Roulette and Madeleine Albright’s Fascism: A Warning. Aside from my colleagues’ reporting, I get my news from the New York Times and the New Yorker. I subscribe to both. I listen to podcasts, too – Stuff You Should Know is a reliable listen, as is The Daily and Tom Marshall’s Under the Scales, again feeding my aforementioned obsession.

Joelle: The original Facebook Portrait project started in the latter months of 2008. One of the things that strikes me is the difference between how optimistic people were about the ability to use it as a force for good ten years ago. I think that optimism is still felt in some areas, much less so in others. Overall, how do you feel about your use of social media now compared to ten years ago? Do you still feel optimistic about using social media (if you ever did to begin with)?

Brian: I’m still optimistic. Social media, like all powerful things, can be incredibly impactful when used for good. It’s terrible when it’s commandeered by bad actors or mobs. It can right wrongs in a way we’ve never seen before, at all levels of power.

Joelle: I’ve often found the way people interact with strangers on certain social media platforms—how they communicate, the words they choose—can both inspire and degrade. What sort of boundaries do you keep i.e. what you are willing to post, what won’t you post, or comment on, for that matter?

Brian: I keep it professional on my public-facing account: Twitter. That’s for news, a little humor, but (hopefully!) nothing too controversial or private. I stick to confirmed facts around breaking news, avoid conjecture and speculation, aim to inform. I keep Instagram and Facebook private for friends and family.

Joelle: Have you connected, and established relationships, with people you’ve met on social media (not via dating sites) you wouldn’t have otherwise? How has that impacted your life – good or ill?

Brian: Absolutely. Without a doubt, I wouldn’t have a career without Twitter. It’s where I established my reputation, it’s where I met future bosses, it’s where I’ve connected with dozens of colleagues, many of whom I’ve developed friendships with in real life. I’m in a group of journalists who happen to be rabid fans of a particular rock band and we’ve had meet-ups, we’ve gone to shows together, collaborated and exchanged ideas. That’s been great.

Joelle: One person I spoke to recently characterized herself as a “deactivator” – meaning that in her approach to social media overwhelm she would go inactive on her accounts when she needed to step away and regain a sense of self, privacy, control… Heuristically, this makes sense. Deleting your account is a simple shortcut to solving the problem of overwhelm. I’ve done it, though I never feel completely distanced. Also, I think overall the media has, more or less, been forced to cover certain prominent individual’s use of social media because they use it to directly communicate with their followers. Even if you aren’t an avid user, it’s become an unavoidable aspect of modern life. Have you found yourself in a situation where you needed to deactivate? Was it effective in achieving what you needed for yourself?

Brian: I deleted Twitter from my phone when my second kid was born, and it was the most delightful thing. You gain an amazing sense of perspective, of what matters day in and day out, when the daily outrage cycle isn’t a tap away. I got to consume news like a normal consumer for a while, which was helpful, and then when it came time to dive back in I reinstalled the app and, for a while, maintained a sense of peace. That’s gone now, but if I ever want it back I’ll just take a break and recalibrate once again.

Joelle: Most people agree that it’s a pretty great thing to have so much information available to you through the internet and I think people like being able to share information so easily through social media platforms. That hasn’t changed. But, the other side of that is that a lot of the information we see is at best biased and at worst, completely fabricated. Do you feel like you are able to spot or decipher truth from fabricated or distorted truths? How so?

Brian: It’s certainly harder now than it’s ever been online to sort truth from fiction, but that’s where, I hope, journalism and the news media can help. It’s always been our mission but now more than ever journalists are here to spotlight the facts, without favor, and let you decide how you want to handle them. We all can’t agree on our opinions but we have to agree that facts are facts are facts, and they are indisputable, before we can move forward as a country to solve our greatest disputes.

Joelle: If you could change anything about social media, what would it be?

Brian: I miss the days when it was all new and special, when the discourse was good and positive, when we were building the community together (deciding on things like retweets and at-replies ourselves), and the loudest, most controversial voices didn’t suck up all the oxygen and spoil the vibe. If I could change thing it would be that – a return to a respectful discourse.

Joelle: Bonus question: music, book or movie. Pick one and list your favorite.

Brian: Movie: The Truman Show. It’s just such a perfect package for me and makes me misty-eyed, without fail, at a few points throughout the movie – when he realizes it all revolves around him, when he sets sail, when he hits the wall. It’s a powerful imagination of a reality that’s like one or two steps away from actually happening if someone had the money and wherewithal to do it, which is terrifying, and was ahead of its time in a way.